Daily Migrations - curated by 'without appeal'. 01-07 Oct 2018

For their presentation of the Arts Territory Exchange archive the collective installed and photographed work throughout an industrial space underneath one of the iconic train arches in Hackney, East London. Images from the aTE Views project and documentation from particpant exchanges are juxtaposed with materials and machinery sourced from throughout the world and used in the production of coffee.

Featured Artists

Alana Hunt, Joas Sebastian Nebe, Lizzie Sampson, Abigail Doan, Jacqueline Byrne, Arminee Chahbazian, Didi Hock, Andrew Howe, Caroline Kelley, Ana Seixas, Danila Rumold, Katie Ione Craney, Joanna M Wright, Kim Goldsmith, Carly Butler, Antony Lyons, Zoe Galinsoga, Robert Nicol, Gudrun Filipska, Beatrice Lopez, Kelly Leonard.