‘Put This in Your Window and Think of Me (Part 2)’ was held at Cambridge Artworks ArtSpace and showed exciting work from selected aTE members around the themes of territory, ownership, property, common land and rural urban tensions /// The artists featured were, Jonathan S Green, Danila Rumold, John-Ryan Brubaker, Roelant Meijer, Hannah Stageman, Rhone Eve Clews, Robert Nicol, Dawn Yow, laura Keeling, Charlie Hurcombe, Mia Mulvey, Louise Beer, Mya Kerner, Andrew Howe, kim Goldsmith, Annette Friedrich Johannessen, Elspeth Owen, Emma Harry, Katie Ione Craney, laura Eldret, Morag Paterson, Caro Williams, Dawn Scarfe, Alice Clough, Laura Copsey, Elizabeth Schoen, Georgina Reskal

There was a film screening event on Saturday 7th September, featuring films by Mosig and Peachey, Carly Butler, Caroline Kelley, James Davoll, Laura Copsey, Michelle Kohler and the Bonneau-Knight Collectif.

And a special screening on Sunday 8th September of Eqyptian filmmaker Muhammad Taymour’s ‘The Pine Tree’ a fascinating exploration of longing, fantasy and dissapointment in the migration experience.

There was also an accompanying text written for the show by Fawn Daphne Plessner and Emily Artinian of the #cloudedtitle project, a research tendril of Streetroad Artists-space a gallery specialising in the themes of property and ownership in rural Pennsylvania, US. Read here.