Work from the aTE Archive showing at Sichuan Institute of Contemporary Art. April - June 2021.
The contribution from Arts Territory Exchange to the exhibition at the Sichuan Institute of Contemporary Art brings together a number of artworks produced within the aTE network’s collaborative long distance partnerships which reflect ideas of colonial damage and the sharing of histories of exploitation (territorial, gender based and otherwise) and the idea of networks and artist collectives offering the possibility of repairation and healing. Here you can read aTE’s catalogue essay by Gudrun Filipska.
aTE’s contribution focuses on the work produced by Alana Hunt and Joanna Wright, Carly Butler and Gudrun Filipska, Katie Ione Craney, John Ryan Brubaker, William F McDonald, Caroline Kelley and Kristin Scheving and Andrew Howe and Gareth Jones.
With Table based material from the collaborative correspondences and work submited to the aTE archive from Anette Friedrich Johannessen, Laura Eldret, Charlie Hurcombe, Mia Mulvey, Laura Copsey, Emma Harry, Morag Paterson, Kim Goldsmith, Louise Beer, Bonneau-Knight Collectif, Caro Williams, Georgina Reskala, Elizabeth Schoen, Hannah Stageman, Zoe Galinsoga, Antony Lyons, Roelant Meijer, Jacqueline M Byrne, Arminee Chahbazian.
The exhibition is part of The Fourth Today’s Documents and began at the Today Art Museum in 2020.
Image left. Featuring work from Alana Hunt and Joanna M Wright.
All Image credits to Lin Zhou.