Here are a selection of our favorite virtual tours and field trips for those at home with children (you could build a whole curriculum around these!). There are lots of virtual trips and excursions out there some of which you have to pay for, the list below are all free, from nuclear subs to environmnetal ressearch ships and the surface of the moon - enjoy!
Kenai fjords National park Alaska
3D tour of Mount Everest
Carlsbad Caverns New Mexico
Tour of Antarctic Survey Research Ship
Fukushima Robot test field
Street View Galapogas Islands
Virtual Tour Tofino
Explore Ballistic Missile Submarine
Tour England
Nasa Tour of the Moon
Virtual field trip to Jerulalem for kids.
Tour Bhutan
Go Skiing in Sochi
Explore Tara an Eco research ship
Bryce Canyon Utah
Seabed Tour
Route 66
Al Khazneh Petra
Explore the Solar System for kids
Great Pyramids of Giza in Egypt
360 Tour of Nuclear Sub
Journey through the World’s largest cave
Trip to Antarctica
Tour a North Sea Oil Rig
Tour International Space Station.
Explore Uluru with its traditional owners
Image Credit: NASA's Scientific Visualization Studio. From Nasa Tour of the Moon 4K.